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قديم 11-30-2021, 11:04 AM   رقم المشاركة : [26]

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افتراضي Top Warehouse Robotics Blog

What are the major advantages of Autonomous Mobile Robot?

1. Greater Flexibility
Autonomous Mobile Robots are flexible and agile because they rely on their cameras and sensors that are onboard to operate. Autonomous Mobile Robots don't have to follow predefined paths. They can instead create their own efficient routes within the facility. This lets them stay clear of obstacles. Autonomous Mobile Robots can be quickly changed to do additional tasks, as opposed to other automation technologies that require more time and effort. Check out this Cross docking robot info for more.

2. More Security
Autonomous Mobile Robots come packed with cameras and sensors. These cameras and sensors allow the Autonomous Mobile Robot to comprehend and read its environment. This allows it to move within a facility with minimal disturbance from other people, infrastructure, and product. Human-operated equipment like forklifts doesn't have the same safety mechanisms and relies on the input of humans. Autonomous Mobile Robots reduce the chance of human operators being tired or distracted. However, this is not a concern with Autonomous Mobile Robots. Autonomous Mobile Robots are useful for tasks that can be repeated many times, which minimizes human error and greatly enhances safety.

3. Rapid Implementation
Autonomous Mobile Robots can be deployed within a company in just 4 to 6 weeks, based on how complex the task is. (Especially important in this case are the picking software and warehouse execution software that the units will need to integrate with.) Even for the most advanced technology, this can take a remarkable amount of time. It could take upto a year for a goods-to person (G2P), system to fully operational.

4. Scalability
Since Autonomous Mobile Robots are relatively easy to install within an organization, it's possible to implement a modular deployment system--starting with a small number of units before expanding as the size of your business increases and your requirements change. This will save you a significant initial expenditure. Instead of purchasing a large number of Autonomous Mobile Robots all at once, you can purchase fewer units and build the amount of Autonomous Mobile Robots you own over time. Modular deployment lets you make use of capital for other projects, while you evaluate and decide on your next actions.

5. It is easy to transfer between facilities
There are businesses that may be reluctant to consider automation alternatives, even though they realize that moving to a brand new facility in the near future is feasible. This thinking makes perfect sense why implement a brand new system if it will have to be removed in two years after the new facility is built? Autonomous Mobile Robots could be beneficial in such situations to fill in the gaps. Autonomous Mobile Robots can be deployed quickly and moved between locations. This allows for automation to occur even in the short-term. Autonomous Mobile Robots are a great option for businesses to temporarily run during holidays or for operations that require moving within the next few years.

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